Algeacide 40% Plus
This extra-strength concentrated liquid algaecide quickly destroys all types of algae in pool water, including green, yellow and black algae. When used as part of a weekly water maintenance routine, it also helps prevent algae blooms. Extra-strength 40% concentrated formula is more eco-friendly — less product needed to get the desired results.
1. Initial dosage for pool water having no visible algae is 100 mL per 10,000 L of pool water.
2. Weekly maintenance dosage is 35 mL per 10,000 L of pool water.
3. For pool water having visible algae, superchlorinate following label instructions of superchlorination product and wait at least 24 hours before adding weekly maintenance dosage.
4. For visible algae, when superchlorination is not employed, add 150 mL per 10,000 L of pool water.